Lupin species belong to the genus Lupinus, which is large and diverse. Also known as Australian Sweet Lupin, narrow-leafed lupin (Scientific name: Lupinus angustifolius) is by far the most important lupin species grown in Western Australia, comprising over 95% of all lupin grain production. The first fully domesticated cultivar of narrow-leafed lupin, was developed and released in Western Australia in 1967.

The Australian Sweet Lupin is unique and iconic to Western Australia where the vast majority of lupins are now produced and the Mediterranean style climate is absolutely perfect to cultivate this nutrient rich crop. In fact, Western Australia is responsible for 85% of the world’s lupin crop. Over the last 60 years lupin has been subjected to natural plant breeding in Australia resulting in a cultivar (Lupinus angustifolius) which has negligible amounts of bitter alkaloids. This sweeter neutral tasting bean no longer needs soaking in brine or cooking and can now be processed without heat treatment and eaten uncooked.